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AI Existential Safety Membership Community Accepting Submissions

Are you an AI researcher interested in ensuring that AGI, if ever developed, is safe and beneficial? If so, please apply to join our growing AI Existential Safety Community. Please note that, if you are accepted into the Community, your profile will be included on our website.
Membership benefits:
  • Free students & postdocs: Faculty members can receive free funding for their postdocs and graduate students via our Vitalik Buterin Fellowships program.
  • Travel support: All members are eligible to apply for travel support.
  • Events: Get invited to inspiring conferences and other events involving AI existential safety research.
Purpose: Bolster AI existential safety research by facilitating interactions between existing researchers and encouraging new talent to enter the field. All approved members will be listed on our community website together with their research interests and academic contact information. This will embolden new talent to enter this vibrant and welcoming community, by showcasing interesting research areas and career opportunities.   
Please note that applications are reviewed on a rolling basis - 3 times per year. We will be in touch with you after your application is reviewed.

Travel Support 2025 - for AI Community Members Accepting Submissions from 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2025

Through the Travel Support program, AI Existential Safety Members are eligible to apply for up to $3,000 per year for travels. The travel must be to visit other Community Members or to attend an AI existential safety-focused conference/event. You should only apply for this funding if the do not have access to other funding for travel. 
Requests will be reviewed at the end of each month and applicants will receive a response within 1 week. If the proposed trip achieves the goals, we will only decline to ensure diversity (i.e. we don’t want to provide support for lots of people to attend 1 event) so it’s beneficial to apply early.  

Please review FLI's Travel Policy:
Flights: FLI will reimburse you for the lowest-priced logical economy fare available. FLI does not reimburse for business-class or first-class travel, travel insurance, change fees, or excess baggage fees.

Meals: While traveling, FLI will reimburse meals up to $75 per day.

Lodging: Please look for affordable lodging options.  FLI reserves the right to not reimburse for excessive lodging expense (e.g. 5 star luxury hotels.) Do not compromise your safety by booking lodging in a cheaper, but unsafe location.

Receipt Policy: FLI requires itemized receipts for all travel reimbursements. **FLI cannot reimburse you without a receipt. A copy of a credit card statement is not a receipt.** Receipts should contain the vendor’s name, amount, date, location, and what was purchased. Receipts should be itemized, showing exactly what was purchased. For example, a meal receipt should show everything ordered.

FLI will not reimburse the cost of:
- Excessive meal expenses of more than $75 per day
- Alcoholic beverages
- Meals eaten in addition to (or in lieu of) meals provided by FLI or event organizers
- Entertainment expenses
- Personal expenses not connected to the business purpose of the trip
- Any costs associated with companions traveling with you

An invoice template will be provided to you after approval. Following the travel, applicants should submit an invoice and all receipts, in 1 PDF, to If paying for all travel upfront and being reimbursed later would be financially burdensome to you, please email

A very brief update on the trip, as well as any “products” such as slides of a talk given, website of workshop run, written proceedings of an event, etc., should be uploaded through this platform. Negligence in submitting a brief report will be noted and will preclude future travel support. 

You must already have been approved as a Member of the Community in order to apply for this travel support!